Last year I took part on a cool small project with a team of workmates. The idea was to make a key visual to sell our company (CREA) to clients.
My friend Odei, who is an awesome 3D modeler & animator led the project. My part was to made the concept art and then my industrial design partners transported it to the third dimensional world. The result was very cool and turned out to be a quite funny experiment.
Each letter of the acronyms of "CREA" represents visually an actual area of the company, show production, corporation, the creative area (were I belong c:) and BTL publicity.
I invite you to judge it by yourselves :)
There it is the concept art, some early details and below the final product.
Letter "E" 1st aproach as a rainbow explosion.
"Very agressive" someone said haha
2nd chance, creative factory
Final concept
"Ideas are the roots of CREAtion." —Ernest Dimnet