
"Bestiario" part 1/2

Hi guys, these are some pics of a collective art exhibition named "Bestiario" where I participated. The call was made by the Ku Colectivo in alliance with the Indie Rocks magazine. 

I'll do two separate posts of the event, in this one I'll put some photos of my illustration pieces and some processes and in the other one I'll show you many other artworks that caught my attention and may be interesting for you. Hope you like them.

 This was the hall where my illustrations were located, 
very classy don't you think?

"Belle & bestias"
Acrylic paint on fabric

And her sketch :)

 Another new one named "M&M" (making reference to the priest Marcial Maciel)
Digital, Gliceé print

 This is the digital versión

And his line art :)

This is one you already know