

Hi there dudes! today I'm bringing to you a flyer design I made for the Mexican punk band BIG SPIN. They gave me total freedom to make my stuff which meant pure fun to me.

The cool fact about this flyer is that it really achieved it's purpose and got amazingly viralized. Of such magnitude that now I'm regretting of haven't placed my blog address somewhere haha :(

If you like old school punk rock music I highly recommend to you to listen to BIG SPIN, all their lyrics are in English so there's no spanishphobic excuse not to listen to them.

In addition I leave some process pics and some captures of the websites where the flyer came across.


This is the final version

- Media section -


Piranhas in a Bathtub

Hi folks, it's monday already and to make this shitty day less horrible (or more maybe), I want to share this logo I made for some pals who have a "magic" card game team, sounds weird I know, but they are really serious about their shit.

At first I misunderstood the name of the team so I began to work over a wrong concept, so I'm leaving with you the first sketch, which was super funny to realize, and some process for the right one xD.

 The bastard one :(

Let's turn her a bit more badass

First color aproach

 And the final version

I hope they kick some ass with the help of their brand new logo >:)